Welcome To The Out-Of-Body Boards. The International Forum For Out-Of-Body Experiences!
Willkommen Zu Den "Out-Of-Body-Foren". Das Deutschsprachige Forum Zu Außerkörpererfahrungen! (Weiter Unten, Einfach Runterscrollen.)


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No New Posts Announcements

General announcements by staff, moderators and site administrator.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, cftraveler, sinera, escapevelocity

4 7 Out-Of-Body-Boards YouTube Channel
Aug 30, 2023 18:18:01 GMT
No New Posts Introductions

New members, please if you like introduce yourself to the community here!

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, cftraveler, escapevelocity

7 16 Hello! from EscapeVelocity
by dontco
Mar 4, 2024 19:09:56 GMT
No New Posts Forum Issues

Any forum issues. Questions to Moderators. Problems. Seeking help.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, cftraveler, escapevelocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Astral Projection (AP), Out-Of-Body Experience (OBE, OOBE) & Phasing

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No New Posts Teaching & Learning Resources / Methods / Research - 1 Viewing

Learn, discuss or teach Astral Projection, OBE or Phasing (subboard) techniques. Ask for help on these practices. Post or discuss resources and research on Astral Projection, Phasing and Out-Of-Body Experiences. For authors, famous experts and teachers please see the Repository 'Authors & Teachers' but make posts or threads about them in the other relevant subboards.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

Sub-boards: Authors / Teachers (Repository), Phasing

24 37 Oliver Tappe
Jul 25, 2024 11:30:00 GMT
No New Posts Experiences / Journals - 1 Viewing

Post and discuss your OBE/AP or Phasing experiences. You can also start a personal journal here.

Moderators: Moderator, ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

5 53 My new Out of Body/Astral Projection site.
by mendal
Mar 18, 2024 16:44:47 GMT
No New Posts Related Discussions And Questions - 1 Viewing

Any other topic in the field of Astral Projection / OBEs or Phasing.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

1 5 Trouble visualizing in a lucid dream
by dontco
May 5, 2024 14:25:08 GMT

Near-Death Experience (NDE) & Unity/Mystic/God Experiences

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No New Posts Near-Death-Experiences (NDEs)

Discuss Near Death Experiences. Literature, websites or even your own NDEs. Discuss OBEs during NDEs.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

5 5 Mindsight & NDEs Of The Blind
Dec 1, 2018 21:41:59 GMT
No New Posts Mystic/God Experiences

Discuss Mystic and God Experiences during APs/OBEs or NDEs.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Lucid Dreaming (LD)

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Teaching & Learning Resources / Methods / Research

Learn, discuss or teach Lucid Dreaming techniques. How to get lucid in (normal) dreams? Ask for help on Lucid Dreaming. Post or discuss resources or research on Lucid Dreaming.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Experiences / Journals

Post and discuss your Lucid Dreams. You can also start a personal journal here.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

1 2 Breaking The Dreamscape Bubble (F2 (->Void) -> F3)
by Tak
Sept 19, 2023 19:12:00 GMT
No New Posts Related Discussions And Questions

Any other topic in the field of Lucid Dreams.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Dreaming (Interpretation, Recall Techniques, Vividness)

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No New Posts Teaching & Learning Resources / Methods / Research

Learn, discuss or teach dream interpretation. Discuss methods for dream recall enhancement and the creation of vivid dreams. Discuss hypnagogic or hypnopompic states. Discuss the transitional areas between Dreams and Astral Projections or Lucid Dreams. Discuss research of dreams and dreaming.

Moderators: ARENIS, escapevelocity, cftraveler

2 2 Dream Symbol Interpretation Encyclopedias
Oct 27, 2018 18:53:56 GMT
No New Posts Experiences / Journals

Post and discuss your dreams. Discuss interpretations.

Moderators: ARENIS, escapevelocity, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Specific Phenomena

See sub-Boards.

Moderators: ARENIS, escapevelocity, cftraveler

Sub-boards: Dream Telepathy & Shared Dreams, Dream Precognition & Dream Clairvoyance, Meetings With Astral Projectors

1 1 Studies: Awake Sender To Dreaming Receiver (Article)
Oct 28, 2018 11:15:56 GMT
No New Posts Related Discussions And Questions

Any other topic in the field of Dreaming and Dream Interpretation.

Moderators: ARENIS, escapevelocity, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Remote Viewing (RV)

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No New Posts Teaching & Learning Resources / Methods / Research

Learn, discuss or teach Remote Viewing Techniques. Ask for help on Remote Viewing. Post or discuss resources or research on Remote Viewing.

Moderator: ARENIS

5 11 The Farsight Institute
by Blossom
Aug 28, 2023 22:21:35 GMT
No New Posts Experiences / Questions / Experiments

Post and discuss your RV experiences, experiments or training. Exercises can also be done in a group session on the Group Experiments board.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Related Discussions And Questions

Any other topic in the field of Remote Viewing.

Moderators: ARENIS, escapevelocity, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Theories, Cosmologies, Philosophies, Reality Models

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Cosmologies / Models Of Reality - 1 Viewing

Discuss models and structures of reality. This can also contain the conspiracies regarding 'The Matrix', the controllers, etc.

Moderator: ARENIS

4 4 J. Ziewe Vs. W. Buhlman Model Of Multidimensional Reality
Oct 26, 2018 19:43:53 GMT
No New Posts Mysticism

Discuss topics in Mysticism, Esotericism, New Age concepts and beliefs.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Philosophy

Discuss philosophical topics within a metaphysical framework.

Moderator: ARENIS

1 1 Out-Of-Body & Point Of Reference
Oct 28, 2018 16:14:03 GMT

Community Group Experiments

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Astral Projection

Group experiments with OBE/AP. Partnered explorations. Create a place/room in the astral to meet. Research targets together and compare.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Shared Dreaming / Dream Telepathy

A very common phenomenon. Send targets to the (lucid or unlucid) dreams of receiving dream viewers.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Remote Viewing

Set targets and let others view it.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Telepathy

Send and receive.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, escapevelocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Energy Healing, Energy Work & Meditation

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Energy / Mind Healing Modalities

Discuss healing modalities in the field of energy / mind / faith / spirit healing.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Energy Work (Chakras, Energy Bodies)

Discuss Energy Systems in the field of Energetic / Mind Medicine and Energy Work Techniques. Discuss the Energy Body structure. Discuss Chakras, Auras and related concepts.

Moderators: ARENIS, lumaza, cftraveler

2 2 Kurt Leland - Chakras ('The Rainbow Body')
Oct 28, 2018 18:11:55 GMT
No New Posts Distant Healing Requests / Services (Free)

A place to ask the community for healing assistance via remote healing. As a healer / practicioner you can also offer distant healings here, but it must be for free. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a site for commercial purposes or advertisement for service offerings. All you offer is private (appointments made via post or via pm) and for free.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Remote Healing Group Meditation

Members of the community can gather here and make out a time to 'connect' for healing, meditation (or other) purposes.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Meditation

Discuss meditation types, techniques and experiences.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Regression Hypnosis and Reincarnation

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Reincarnation (General)

Research and articles on Reincarnation, soul migration, avatars / experience packages of Higher Self.

Moderator: ARENIS

1 1 Research: Ian Stephenson & J.B. Tucker (Virginia University)
Oct 28, 2018 10:11:03 GMT
No New Posts Past Life Regression & Life Between Lives Hypnosis

Past Life Regression topics.

Moderator: ARENIS

2 2 Dolores Cannon - QHHT Regression Hypnosis
Oct 27, 2018 19:48:55 GMT
No New Posts Astral / Mental Projection To Past Lives Or Akashic / Soul Records

Astral / Mental Projection To Past Lives Or Akashic / Soul Records.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Past Life Memories

If you have past life memories from birth share them here. If the process was done by hypnosis or projection share them in the respective subforum above.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Other Paranormal Topics, Research & Experiences

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts ETs & UFOs / Disclosure / Starseeds

Any discussions related to ET/UFO disclosure. You own experiences and sightings. Your life as a possible Starseed. Projections with ET beings can also be shared in the Astral Projection Board of course.

Moderator: ARENIS

1 1 My UFO sightings Journal
by Tak
Sept 1, 2023 1:30:42 GMT
No New Posts Telepathy - 1 Viewing

Discuss telepathic experiences and research. If you want to experiment with other members please post this in the Group Experiments board. Note that Dream Telepathy (research, experiments) can be found and should be discussed in the Dreaming board.

Moderator: ARENIS

1 1 Brain State Entanglement Telepathy (Scientific Studies)
Oct 28, 2018 15:46:57 GMT
No New Posts Telekinesis / Psychokinesis / Mind-Over-Matter

Discuss or report cases of telekinesis and mind-over-matter. Also physical manifestations or any influencing of objects can be discussed here.

Moderator: ARENIS

2 2 The PEAR Labs Mind/Machine Influencing Experiments
Oct 27, 2018 19:58:57 GMT
No New Posts Clairvoyance & Divination

Discuss Clairvoyance & Divination.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Shamanism & Ancient Nature Spirituality

Discuss Shamanism & Ancient Nature Spirituality. Alternatively it can be shared in the Energy Healing Board if it is about healing.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Magickal & Manifestation Practices

Discuss Magick and magickal practices. Discuss Manifestation including any Law Of Attraction or 'The Secret' topics.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Ghosts, Apparitions, Mediums, EVP & After-Death-Communication

Discuss ghosts, mediums, channelling of beings, after-death communication. Manifestation of pictures on film. Electronic voice phenomena (EVP).

Moderator: ARENIS

2 4 The Scole Experiments
by Blossom
Aug 25, 2023 15:51:33 GMT
No New Posts Paranormal Science / Fringe Science

Discuss research into the fields of Psi / Fringe / ESP / Paranormal / Supernatural if they do not fit into the above categories. Discuss Mainstream Science touching these subjects.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Any Other Topics

Discuss any other spiritual / metaphysical topics not covered in one of the other Boards or Sub-Boards. Please look first if you really don't find a more suitable place to post it in.

Moderator: ARENIS

1 1 Seeing Without Eyes
Dec 1, 2018 21:46:03 GMT

Media / Reviews (Focus: OBE, AP, LD, Dreams)

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Websites / Internet / Articles

Web articles, news (mainstream or alternative) or Websites dedicated to the field of OBE / AP / LD or Dreams.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Books / Authors & Your Reviews

Books on OBE / AP / LD or Dreams.

Moderator: ARENIS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Movies (TV, Cinema, YouTube, Etc.)

Films on OBE / AP / LD or Dreams.

Moderator: ARENIS

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Introducción

Todo sobre este foro español.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

3 6 Informaciones Del Moderador Del Foro Español
Aug 21, 2023 19:10:21 GMT
No New Posts Viaje Astral / Experiencia Extracorporal

Todo sobre el tema de 'Proyección Astral / Experiencia Extracorporal' (OBEs).

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Experiencia Cercana A La Muerte - 1 Viewing

Tode sobre el tema de 'Experiencia Cercana A La Muerte' (NDEs).

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Experiencia Mística

Todo sobre el tema de 'Experiencia Mística' como viaje astral / experiencia extracorporal.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Sueño Lúcido

Todo sobre el tema de 'Sueño Lúcido'.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Sueño

Todo sobre el tema de sueños.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Vista Remota

Todo sobrea el tema de la práctica de 'Vista Remota'.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Curación Energética, Chamanismo & Curanderismo

Todo sobre el tema de 'Curación Energética, Chamanismo & Curanderismo'.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Trabajo Energético & Meditación

Todo sobre el tema de 'Trabajo Energético' y 'Meditación'.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Teorías Del Todo, Cosmologías, Filosofías

Todo sobre 'Teorías Del Todo, Cosmologías, Filosofías' en el campo metafísico.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Los Medios (Libros, Películas, Páginas Web, Artículos, YouTube, Noticias)

Lo que se encuentra en los medios de comunicación y información (Libros, Películas, Páginas Web, Artículos, YouTube, Noticias) sobre los temas paranormales.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Otros Temas Paranormales

Otros temas paranormales y de la ciencia marginal / fringe. Por ejemplo: Extraterrestres y ovnis, reencarnación y hipnosis de regresión, telepatía y clarividencia, médiums y fantasmas, comunicación despues de la muerte, telequinesia y mente sobre materia, magia y manifestación, cualquier otra cosa paranormal.

Moderators: ARENIS, cftraveler

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Einführung

Informationen zum Deutschen Forum.

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

3 3 Probleme, Fragen, Anmerkungen
Oct 26, 2018 14:12:54 GMT
No New Posts Astralreisen / Astralprojektion / Außerkörpererfahrung (AKE) / "OBE"

Alles zum Thema Astralreisen / Astralprojektion / Außerkörpererfahrung / "OBE".

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Nahtoderfahrung

Alles zum Thema Nahtoderfahrung mit AKE in die physische Ebene oder Projektionen in höhere Ebenen (also auf die andere Seite).

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Mystische/Gottes-Erfahrung Als Projektion/AKE

Alles zum Thema Mystische/Gottes-Erfahrung Als Projektion/AKE.

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Luzides Träumen / Klarträumen / Wachträumen

Alles zum Thema Luzides Träumen / Klarträumen / Wachträumen.

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Träume / Traumdeutung / Traumtraining / Traumerinnerung

Alles zum Thema Träume / Traumdeutung / Traumtraining / Traumerinnerung. Auch "lebhafte" (jedoch nicht luzide) Träume.

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Fernwahrnehmung (Remote Viewing)

Alles zum Thema Fernwahrnehmung (Remote Viewing).

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Geistheilung, Energieheilung, Schamanismus

Alles zum Thema Geistheilung, Energieheilung, Schamanismus.

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Energiearbeit (Chakren, Energiekörper, Auren, Etc.) & Meditation - 1 Viewing

Alles zum Thema Energiearbeit (Chakren, Energiekörper, Auren, etc.) und Meditation (Techniken, Erfahrungen, Arten).

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Theorien (Theorie Von Allem), Kosmologien, Philosophie, Mystizismus

Alles zum Thema Theorien (Theorie Von Allem), (Grenz-)Wissenschaften, Kosmologien, Philosophie, Mystizismus.

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

1 1 Tom Campbell - Meine Theorie Von Allem
Nov 1, 2018 18:10:24 GMT
No New Posts Medien (Bücher, Filme, Websites, YouTube, Nachrichten, Artikel)

Alles in den Medien (Bücher, Filme, Websites, YouTube, Nachrichten, Artikel) zu den paranormalen Themen dieses Forums.

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Andere Paranormale / Grenzwissenschaftliche Themen - 1 Viewing

Ein bunter Topf mit dem was es sonst noch alles gibt. Auch "neue" oder nicht aufgeführte Themen dürfen behandelt werden, dann in dem "Alles Andere"-Faden.

Moderators: ARENIS, sinera

Sub-boards: Außerirdische & UFOs / "Disclosure" / "Starseeds", Reinkarnation & Rückführungen, Telepathie & Hellsehen, Geister, Erscheinungen, Medien, Nachtodkommunikation, Telekinese & Geist-Über-Materie, Magie & Manifestation, Alles Andere

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